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This is our 'Aqidah

“This is our ‘aqidah . Whoever possesses two eyes then let him read and whoever possesses hearing then let him listen!” All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, the Master of the Day of Judgment. May the salah and the salam be upon the seal of the Prophets and Messengers and upon all of his family and companions. To proceed: This is a summary of what we believe in and what we worship Allah with from the most important areas of the din . I wrote it in my jail cell after it had reached me that there were some people who were ascribing things to us and putting words in our mouths that we have never said; in particular, in the areas of kufr and iman . Before this, I was never concerned with writing about the likes of this subject. That is because our scholars have sufficed and fulfilled in that.


The Major Sins

The major sins are those acts which have been forbidden by Allah in the Quran and by His Messenger (SAW) in the Sunnah (practise of the Prophet), and which have been made clear by the actions of of the first righteous generation of Muslims, the Companions of the Prophet (SAW) There is some difference of opinion among scholars in this regard. Some say these major sins are seven, and in support of their position they quote the tradition: 'Avoid the seven noxious things'- and after having said this, the propeht (SAW) mentioned them: 'associating anything with Allah; magic; killing one whom Allah has declared inviolate without a just case, consuming the property of an orphan, devouring usury, turning back when the army advances, and slandering chaste women who are believers but indiscreet.' (Bukhari and Muslim) 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas said: 'Seventy is closer to their number than seven,' and in this book Imam Dhabi goes through the 70 Major Sins Supported by the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) The Author Muhammad bin Ahmad bin `Uthman bin Qaymaz at Turkamani, Shams al-Din al-Dimashqi al-Dhahabi al-Shafi`i (673-748 AH), the imam, Shaykh al-Islam, head of hadith masters, critic and expert examiner of the hadith, encyclopedic historian and biographer, and foremost authority in the canonical readings of the Qur'an. Born in Damascus where his family lived from the time of his grandfather `Uthman, he sometimes identified himself as Ibn al-Dhahabi - son of the goldsmith - in reference to his father's profession.


Stories of the Prophets (Ibn Kathir)

In this book, the stories of the prophets have been compiled from 'Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah' (The Beginning and the End) which is a great work of the famous Muslim exegete and historian Ibn Kathir and has a prominent place in the Islamic literature. The stories of the prophets and all the events in their lives have been supported by the Qur'anic Verses and the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet (S). Wherever it was necessary, other sources have also been reported for the sake of historical accounts, but on such places a comparative study has been made to prove the authenticity of the sources. Ibn Kathir has reproduced the views and interpretations of all the great exegetes of the Qur'an of his time. The systemic narratives of the Stories of the Prophets have been written in chronological order which renders a historical style to the book.


Kitab At-Tauhid

Kitab At-Tauhid is one of the best books on the subject of Tauhid (Monotheism) and ranks high in authenticity. In this book all the relevant verses of the Qur'an have been discussed reasonably, rationally, and sincerely. The essence of the Qur'an and Sunnah is placed in a very simple manner in this book.


Fortress of the Muslim (Hisnul-Muslim)

Invocations from the Qur'an & Sunnah. Translation of Hisnul-Muslim. (aka 'Citadel of the Believer') This is a very beautiful booklet consisting of many authentic Dua's (supplications) for a Muslim to supplicate on a daily basis and on special occasions. Author's Note... This book is an abridgment of my earlier work entitled, Adh-Dhikr wad-Du'a wal-'llaj bir-Ruqyah mina'-Kitab was-Sunnah. In order to make it small and easily portable, I have chosen only the section on words of remembrance for this abridgment. To achieve this, I only mentioned the text of the words of remembrance instead of the entire Hadith. I also limited myself to mentioning only one or two references from the original book for each Hadith. Whoever would like to know about the Companion who related a particular Hadith, or more information about where it is recorded, should refer to the original work (mentioned above). I ask Allah the Glorious, the Mighty, by His beautiful Names and by His sublime Attributes to accept this as having been done sincerely for His sake alone. I ask Him to bring me its benefits during my lifetime and after my death. May those who read it, those who print it, or have had any role in distributing it, benefit from it also. Surely He, glory be unto Him, is Capable of all things. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet, Muhammad, and upon his family and Companions and whoever follows them in piety until the Day of Judgment. Said bin Ali bin Wahaf Al-Qahtani, Safar,1409


In Pursuit of Allahs Pleasure

By Dr.Naaha Ibrahim, Asim Abdul Maajid & Essam-ud-Deen Darbaalah. In this book the authors outlined a complete methodology for Islamic work in this day. From Aqeedah to Dawah to Jihad to Khilafah and Taqwa to Sabr, they have explained how all of these parts come together for the sole objective of every Muslim to seek the pleasure of Allah.



Reflections of Ibn Al-Qayyem. This book was originally a section of Ibn Al-Qayyim's book Miftaahu Daar is-Sa'aadah (Key to the Abode of Happiness). This section was extracted from it due to its discussion of some of the Signs of Allah in the human beings and the universe. Also, Ibn Al-Qayyim's book was chosen due to its perceptive and meaningful wisdom. Another outstanding characteristic of this book is that Ibn-Al-Qayyim calls for the use of the intellect and self-introspection. He encourages the reader to deeply think about the creation of Allah, the Most High -- in the human being, existence, animals and nature. The complier, Capt. Anas Abdul-Hameed Al-Qoz, supports the writing of Ibn Al-Qayyim by mentioning modern scientific discoveries, useful notes and beneficial pictures that help achieve the objective. Thus, this book is a continuous and active call to all of mankind to look and reflect upon the Signs of Allah if they want the truth and sincerely wish to follow it. We will show them Our Signs in the universe and in themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth.


Millat Ibrahim

We present to the English reader, Millat Ibrahim, by the noble Sheykh Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi, May Allah preserve him. Herin, the author draws several parallels between the form of idolatry in the time of the Messenger of Allah salalhu alahi wassalam, and that which the apostate regimes have instituted from fabricated laws and methodologies of falsehood in the lands of the Muslims.


Book of The End

Like everything, the present universe will also come to an end, and it is a part of our faith to believe in the Last Day. The signs of the Day of Judgment have been foretold by our Prophet (S). Ibn Kathir has collected all the prophesies of the Prophet (S) in his book Al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah. In this volume, we have presented from them the signs of the Hour and the events that are yet to take place, although mentioning very few examples of those prophesies that have already been realized.


The Lofty Mountain

The Lofty Mountain contains the translation of perhaps the last book that Sheikh Abdullah Azzam wrote before he was assassinated. It is a unique biography of an individual that is not known to many people: the martyred Sheikh Tameem Al-Adnani from Palestine, whose soul left this World in 1989


1066 - How Islamaphobia Came To The British Isles

At the beginning of the 21st centuary, Britain was engaged in its Fourth Afghan Crusade. No other country has attacked Afghanistan as many times as Britain. In addition Britain has been instrumental in supporting despots and dictorships in the Muslim World and has contributed to the deaths of half a million Iraqi children. During the age of direct Imperialism, the British Empire enslaved millions of Muslims from Africa, colonised vast swathes of Muslim territory, displaced the Mughal Empire in South Asia; and conspired in the dismemberment of the Ottoman Caliphate to create illegitmate post-Caliphate statelets such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Israel, etc. All of Britain's mainstream parties support the Zionest state of Israel...


The World of the Jinn and Devils

By Umar S. Al-Ashqar Islamic Creed Series. The World Of The Jinn & Devils; In the Light of the Qur'an and Sunnah

What are jinn and devils? Where do they live? How do they impact our life? This pioneering book draws from the Qur'an and hadith in answering questions about the critical Islamic belief in Al-Ghaib, the unseen. It discusses the wisdom behind their creation, interaction with humans, eyewitness accounts, need for knowledge about them and common misconceptions about their power. The book argues that despite the dominant secular worldview that dismisses any un-observable phenomenon as non-existent, humans believe in the unseen. Furthermore, it is important to understand their place in creation to avoid satanic influences and come closer to Allah.


The Giant Man

“For history to write, and for the Muslims to bear witness: that we were killed for the Sake of Allāh, upon our Islāmic principles and everlasting ‘Aqīdah - is better to us with Allāh, than history being written while the Muslims bearing witness against us, that we lived in health and comfort after we have compromised our principles and abandoned the Banner of Jihād. And whoever thought that the Islāmic State will be blessed with dominance without trials and tests, then he is an ignorant one who does not know the biography of the Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم.” “Amīr Al-Mu’minīn, Al-Mulla Muhammad ‘Umar Mujāhid”


Kalid Bin Al-Waleed (Sword of Allah)

Khalid bin Al-Waleed was one of the greatest generals in history, and one of the greatest heroes of Islam. Besides him, Genghis Khan was the only other general to remain undefeated in his entire military life. A measure of Khalid's genius is that he was the only person to inflict a (temporary) defeat on the Prophet Muhammad, (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).sThe original title of the book, "The Sword of Allah: Khalid bin Al-Waleed, His Life and Campaigns" was written by the late Lieutenant-General A.I. Akram of the Pakistan Army, in October 1969. The author learnt Arabic in order to draw on the earliest historical sources and he visited every one of Khalid's battlefields in order to draw analyses from the viewpoint of military strategy, including reconciling conflicting historians' accounts. The book was originally published by the Army Education Press, Rawalpindi, Pakistan and printed by Feroze Sons Publishers in Lahore, Pakistan. The excellence of the book was such that it has been translated from English into Arabic and is currently sold in bookshops throughout the Arab World.


Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar)

By Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri

The heart of every Muslim is filled with the love the last Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and the love of the Messenger of Allah is an asset for any Muslim. This book a biography goes into the details of the lineage of the Prophet (SAWS) his message, his jihad and his social interaction.


Tafsir Ibn Kathir

The Qur'an is the revelation of Allah's Own Words for the guidance of His creatures. Since the Qur'an is the primary source of Islamic teachings, the correct understanding for the Qur'an is necessary for every Muslim. The Tafsir of Ibn Kathir is among the most renowned and accepted explanation of the Qur'an in the entire world. In it one finds the best presentation of Hadiths, history, and scholarly commentary.


Ahmad ibn Hanbal’s Treatise on Prayer (Salah)

The treatise by Imam ibn Hanbal, the Imam of the Hanbali school of juristic reasoning, renowned for his steep knowledge, was written several hundred years ago to the inhabitants of a town where the Imam stayed for a period of time. It contains a full and clear description of the prayer and includes detailed observations of the mistakes, which Imam Ahmad observed during his time in that town. It was and remains an invaluable work for all Muslims. Detailing as it does many common errors made during prayers, some of which are serious enough to invalidate the act of worship. The book includes several explanatory notes by the translator, Sameh Strauch, a convert to Islam from England


Salahuddin Ayyubi

The life and times of this great Muslim general.

This book is about the life of one of the greatest warriors in the history of the world, Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi. The book begins with the historical background of the Crusades and then tells about the great General's childhood and the beginning of his career, how he started off as a regular soldier and rose to become the Sultan. It tells how the whole of Europe was defeated by the great Sultan's bravery, courage, and wisdom.

Muslim children living today should know about the great heroes of Islam and this book is an excellent way to introduce them to Salahuddin Ayyubi. Well written and well produced, this book will be a good addition to your home library.


Patience and Gratitude

Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah

This is an abridged translation of Uddat as-Sabrin wa dhakhirat ash-shakrin by Ibn Qayyim. The author explains the Islamic concept of sabr (patience) and its counter part shakr (gratitude), in a practical fashion.


A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam

This introductory book on Islam serves as a good da'wah tool, explaining some of the fundamentals of Islam, as well signifying verses of the Qur'an and how they relate to science and the world around us.


Commanders of the Muslim Army

By: Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar

'Commanders of the Muslim Army (Among the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him)' compiled in the Urdu language, by a great scholar and a compiler of Islamic books, Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar and translated by our Islamic sister Jamila Muhammad Qawi. After the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the empire of Islam spread over an area of ten hundred thousand square miles. We should have to study inevitably the lives of these remarkable leaders if we are deeply interested in learning about the Islamic history.

We will try and add a chapter from this book every week insha'Allah.


In the Early Hours: Reflections on Spiritual and Self Development

In the Early Hours is a collection of inspirational advice by a dear and beloved teacher, Ustadh Khurram Murad on the subject of spiritual and self development. In it he sets out the goal of the Believer - the single minded desire to seek the good pleasure of God. He then outlines the methods and instruments which must be used in the attainment of that ultimate goal. This book, we hope, will serve as a useful companion on your journey towards the meeting with your Lord.



Few thinkers have had such an influence on the contemporary Islamic thought as ash-shaheed Sayyid Qutb. Since his execution in 1964 in Cairo, his death became the perfect illustration of one of the processes through which a human being becomes part of the revolutionary movement aimed at changing the world and bringing in a new ethical moral order based on freedom, brotherhood, and justice for all.

Islam stands for change. It seeks to change the individual and the society. This change covers every aspect of human life: form personal morality to business economics and politics. It is only natural that Islam should be fought b those who want to keep the status quo. This is the way it has always been throughout history: Adam to Nuh, Ibrahrim, Musa, Isa, and Muahmmad (peace be upon them). It will happen to anyone who wants to stand up and proclaim the true message of Islam to the world.


The Signs of the Hypocrites

Based on the Arabic Work Thala Thun Alamah lil-Munafiqin by Shaykh Aa`id `Abdullah al-Qarnee)

When it is said to them: "Do not make mischief on the Earth," they say: "Why? We only want to make peace." Beware, they are the ones that cause mischief but they do not realise. [Surah al-Baqarah (2):11-12]

The sign of a believer is that he understands the Religion and is constantly increasing his knowledge of certain matters and benefits and he is covetous of all that is good, as well as the gatherings wherein it is disseminated. The hypocrite, however, completely turns away. When the people talk in a gathering about matters to do with the Prayer or worship, it is to him as if they are speaking in a different language. A useful work in current times when Hypocrisy has made deep roads in the Muslim Society


The Path to Guidance - Ibnul-Qayyim

This is a book which the Shaikh, the Imaam, the ’Allaamah, the Shaikh of Islaam and the Muftee of the Muslims, Aboo ’Abdullaah Muhammad the son of Aboo Bakr - better known as Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah - may Allaah the Exalted have mercy upon him, sent to one of his brothers.


Usool at Tafseer

By Abu Ameena Bilal Philips.

An Excellent Gift to Students of Islamic Sciences Literally translated ‘The Fundamental Principles of Qur’aanic Interpretation,’ this book refers to the branches of knowledge which are necessary to provide an accurate interpretation of the Qur’anic texts, such as Arabic grammar and syntax, Arabic literature and Qur’anic sciences (’uloom al-Qur’aan). Addressed topics include the Tafseer of the Qur’an, books of tafseer, translations of the Qur’an, Wahy (’divine revelation’), reasons for revelation, the differences between Makkan and Madinan revelations, Naskh, the Muhkam and Mutashaabih, and more.


Al-Fawaid (A Collection Of Wise Sayings)

Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah

This book, AI-Fawaid: A Collection of Wise Sayings is one of the well-known compilations of Imam Shams Ad-Dm Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah, who is well known by the name Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy upon him). This blessed book is not like others that simply contain sections, chapters and themes, but it consists of the elevated thoughts that Allah, Exalted be He, bestows upon some of His servants as He wills. So whenever any of these scattered pearls of wisdom occurred to the Imam, he would immediately record them. I am sure that he did not sit down and write this book in one or two weeks, but surely it was developed over a long period of time. Whenever something came to his mind, he would record it, and whenever he learnt a lesson or anything crucial in his life, he would illuminate the lines of his page with the ink of his pen.


Al-Wala’ wa’l-Bara’

Shaykh Muhammad Saeed al-Qahtani
This book was originally submitted in the form of a thesis for a Master’s Degree to the Department of Aqeedah of the Umm al-Qorah University in Makka, ‘Saudi’ Arabia. The examining committee comprised the following: Muhammad Qutb, the supervisor, as chairman; Shaykh Abdur Razzaq Afifi as a member; and Dr. Abdul Azeez Obeid as a member. The author was granted a Master’s Degree, with excellence, on Saturday evening, the 4th of Shaban 1401. I am grateful to Shaykh Abdur Razzaq Afifi for writing the Foreword to this book. Thank you. Muhammad Saeed al-Qahtani Dhul-Hijjah 1413


al-Fiqh al-Akbar

Al-Fiqh al-Akbar is one of the earliest texts written on Islamic ­creed and one of the surviving works of Abu Hanifa, the Great Imam of jurisprudence and theology. Studied for centuries in the Muslim world, Al-Fiqh al-Akbar offers a more nuanced, textured approach to understanding divine oneness (tawhid), the focal point of Islamic belief. It refines one’s understanding of the Creator, the messengers and divine communication, and enables one to gain much-needed insight into the realities of this life and the events of the hereafter.


The Ghurabah - Strangers (Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali)

This book is a translation of a short treatise entitled Kashf-ul-Kurbah fee wasfi Haali Ahlil-Ghurbah, or Alleviating Grievances in Describing the Condition of the Strangers, written by the great Imaam, Al- Haafidh Zayn-ud-Deen Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbalee, rahimahullaah. In this treatise, Ibn Rajab deals with the topic of the Strangers, or Al-Ghurabaa. He begins by listing the many ahaadeeth reported about them, in which the Messenger of Allaah describes their attributes and explains their position. They are given this name because they will be strange during the Last Days, due to their adherence to the Sunnah and to the Way of the First Muslims, the Salaf As-Saalih. So just as those who first accepted Islaam at the hands of Muhammad (saws) were considered strangers with their families and close ones, then indeed, those who adhere to the Sunnah in the last Days, when innovations and misguidance are rampant and widespread, will also be considered strangers amidst their families and close ones, not to mention the disbelievers.

The Imaam then goes on to explain these ahaadeeth based on various statements from the Salaf. And he categorizes this Strangeness into several types – both inner and outer. It must be noted that Ibn Rajab uses several weak ahaadeeth in this treatise, which have been pointed out. And towards the end of his treatise, he begins to divert from the topic by going deep into the issue of inner strangeness, sometimes focusing on aspects that have no basis in Islaam, such as talk about the ‘Aarif, wajd, khulwah, etc. These were Sufi ideas that were prevalent during his time.


The Criterion Between The Friends of Allah & The Friends of Shaytan

By Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah

The Decisive Criterion between the Awliyaa of The Most Merciful and the Awliyaa of Shaytaan Indeed the enmity between man and Shaytaan is old, commencing from the time that Adam (alayhi as-salaam) was created, from the time he was ordered to prostrate to him. Shaytaan refused, become arrogant and hence disobeyed his Lord. His arrogance and pride let him to commit a whole host of sins, it made him expend every effort in misleading the children of Adam and made him beautify and embellish sins such that they accepted them and eagerly committed them Due to this Allah the exalted revealed the Books sent the Messenger and enjoined His servants to various injunctions and admonitions in order to secure them from the evil of Shaytaan. In the light of His advice, profound injunctions and admonitions in order to secure them from the evil of Shaytaan. In the light of His advice, profound injunctions and sever warnings, mankind becomes separated into two groups: a group who were guided and a group who deserved to be misguided. The groups who were guided are the inhabitants of Paradise and the groups who were misguided are the denizens of the Fire. The inhabitants of Paradise are the Awliyaa of the Most Merciful and the denizens of the Fire are the Awliyaa of Shaytaan.


Return of the Pharaoh: Memoirs in Nasirs Prison

By Zainab al Ghazali. Return of the Pharoah relates how, falsley accused of conspiring to kill Jamal Abd An Nasr, the author was arrested and imprisoned. While awaiting trial she was subjected to the most teribble and inhumane torture. This book describes in a captiviating manner the ordeal which this Muslim activist went through in the notorious Egyptian prisons. This book describes in a captivating manner the ordeal which this Muslim activist went thorugh in the notorious Egyptian prison. Instead of dampering her enthusiasam for Islam and the Islamic movement , the afflications and savageries in Nasir 's prisons increased her commitment and dedication to the cause of Islam. This autobiographical work can be considered a historic document in that its author was an aactive withness to one of the most volatile periods of Egypt's contemporary history.


Polygamy In Islam

Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips & Jameelah Jones

'Polygamy is the Muslim practice most frequently and severely maligned by Westerners and modernist Muslims. This book can be read with profit by all unprejudiced readers who wish to know its justification and rationale. One of the greatest contrasts between Islam and the West is their conflicting concepts of relations between the sexes. Indeed, the very first question a Muslim convert is confronted with by an American or European is ‘Why does Islam allow four wives?’ This book...replies straightforwardly to that question and much more. The authors describe all the most important characteristics of marriage in Islam, pointing out that the Western notions of sex equality and romantic premarital ‘love’ are not necessary in Islamic marriage based on piety and the commitment on the part of both parents to win the pleasure of Almighty Allah.' This book contains basic guides for anyone interested in understanding the rights and obligations of males and females in Islamic plural marriage. The guidelines have been drawn from the Quran, Hadith and opinions of Islamic scholars.


Jihaad the Absent Obligation

Muhammed Abdul Salam Faraj

Jihaad fee sabeel Lillah (in the cause of Allaah), despite its overriding importance and its great influence on the future of Islaam, has been neglected by present scholars, although they know that it is the only way to bring Islaam back and cause it to come to the surface again. Every Muslim seems to prefer the ideas and the philosophies that he fancies instead of the best way that Allaah has drawn for honour, power and glory of His servants. But there is no doubt that the tyrants of this earth will only be removed by the might of the sword, and that is why the Prophet (PBUH) said: "I have been sent before the Hour with the sword until Allaah is worshipped alone with no partner, and my sustenance has been placed underneath the shade of my spear, and the disgrace and the abasement have been inflicted on those that oppose my command, and whoever imitates a people is one of them


Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet

Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah

Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet is the panacea for those in search of good health. Although it was written by the author, Ibn Al-Qayyim, over six hundred and fifty years ago, it is extremely timely work for our generation in which health and natural health care products have become an important aspect of the lives of so many. The author presents the guidance of the Prophet in dealing with a variety of health issues, including treatment of ailment and preventive remedies to keep the body fit. As the Qur'an and Sunnah are the main sources of Islamic lifestyle, it only stands to reason that they should likewise be referred to in the matters of health and fitness. This is the approach taken by Ibn Al-Qayyim as he presents Verses of the Qur'an and statements of the Prophet as his main reference in these issues of health and medicines. The final chapters the this work include an extremely beneficial glossary of remedies, herbs, foods and other natural substances that aid in the journey towards better health.


Sirat Ibn Hisham

(Biography of the Prophet). This book shows that people before the advent of Islam were plunged in the depths of ignorance and idolatry. They used to eat corpses, to commit abominations, to severe blood ties, to neglect duties of hospitality and neighborliness, and to use only the law of the strong. Then Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad to call them to the Oneness of Allah, and taught them not to associate anything with Him. He forbade them the worship of idols, and enjoined them to speak the truth, to be faithful to their trusts, to be merciful and to regard the rights of the neighbors as well as kith and kin, and to refrain from crimes and bloodshed.


The Exquisite Pearl

By Shaykh 'Abd al-Rahman al-Sa'di

The Exquisite Pearl : The Journey to Allah and the Home of the Hereafter . Of all the faculties man has been endowed with, none excels the heart in importance and nobility. For the heart is both the seat of intelligence and understanding, and the locus of faith and spirituality; it is the quintessential faculty by which man may come to know his creator, and seek nearness and intimacy with Him. The heart's spiritual sustenance lie sin its being receptive to the effusions of divine grace and guidance, without which the veils that cover it will continue to corrupt its primordial purity, gradually rendering it dysfunctional! Each veil- a metaphor for heedlessness, sins and distraction- that is melted away by the rays of faith and spiritual endeavour, allows vital qualities such as love of Allah, as well as hope, fear, remembrance, and reliance upon Him, are referred to in the religious vocabulary as spiritual stations; only when the heart embraces these stations is it said to be truly sound. The Majestic Qur'an informs:

'The day when wealth and sons avail not, save him who brings to Allah a heart that is sound.'


Clarifying the Obligation of Migration

By ‘Abd al-’Aziz bin Salih al-Jarbu.

“The more one is in contact with an environment, the more he becomes desensitized to it…” 1 - Defining the Term ‘Dar’ 2 - Defining the Term ‘Hijrah’ 3 - The Ruling on Hijrah from Dar al-Kufr to Dar al-Islam 4 - The Four Scenarios of the Muhajir and Their Relevant Rulings 5 - The Reality of Openly Practicing One’s Religion 6 - Principles upon the Path of Hijrah Appendix I: The Muslims Born in the Lands of the Disbelievers Appendix II: Hijrah to the Lands of Kufr Appendix III: To Where Should One Make Hijrah?


Don't Be Sad

By Dr. Wasim Fathullah.

“By Allah, if I fasted all day without eating, prayed all night without sleeping, spent all of my wealth in the Path of Allah, died the day I died, but had no love in my heart for those who obey Allah and no hatred in my heart for those who disobey Allah, none of this would benefit me in the least.” - ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar.

The issue of alliance and disavowal (wala’ and bara’) is probably the most important issue of our times when it comes to faith, considering all of its branches, rulings, and implications. And since the Qur’an and authentic Sunnah are our helpers and sources of guidance, it is incumbent upon us to return to them in order to understand the likes of this great concept. I reflected over this great chapter, and I found that it contained the meaning, methodology, and style that fulfill the need of every Muslim today in fully understanding this mighty principle of faith.

So, I depended on Allah, and I decided to reflect on and analyze its selected verses to try and derive the major and minor details regarding the issue of wala’ and bara’ therein, especially since it is from the Qur’an that was revealed in Madinah, which is mainly concerned with actively implementing the concepts of the Qur’an revealed in Makkah.


Don't Be Sad

Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni

At a time in which the Muslims are beset with trials from every periphery and within, comes this heartening book rooted in the commandments of Allah (swt), the Sunnah and the excellent guidance and examples of the Muslims that have come before us.

Don't Be Sad is an absolute must-read for all people. It is full of practical advice on how to replace sadness with a pragmatic and ultimately satisfying Islamic outlook on life. It exposes to the modern reader how Islam teaches us to deal with the tests and tribulations of this world.

So, take heart and hold firmly onto the rope of Allah (swt).


In the Hearts of Green Birds

5Th April 1992, war broke out in the Balkans. Many people shouted and screamed. A few actually went to the aid of the Bosnian Muslims. Different organisations came. Much is still talked about the help given by these people.

There was however, another group of individuals who also went to Bosnia. No mention was made of them. They came from near and far, young and old, rich and poor, and they travelled to Bosnia. These people were the foreign Mujahideen (volunteer Islamic fighters).

Between 1992-95, hundreds came and went. A handful never returned: the Shuhadaa’ – those killed in the way of Allah.

With true sincerity to Allah (Allah knows best) and an undying commitment to the Deen of Islam, the Shuhadaa of Bosnia managed, insha’Allah to attain the ultimate objective of a Muslim – the Pleasure of Allah, followed by the reward which awaits in Paradise on High, and Eternal Bliss is unfolded to enjoy.


Allah’s Most Beautiful Names and Lofty Attributes

By Muhammad Ibn Khalifah al-Tamimi. Among the subjects that have not been adequately covered in the English language, perhaps the most important of them is the one covered in the pages of this book. The author presents the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah, which is the creed of the first few generations of Muslims and those who followed in their footsteps. Besides outlining the principles and foundations of this creed he also highlights some of the foreign ideas and deviant concepts that have crept into the hearts and minds. The style in which this book has been written relates more to a textbook than to a book for casual reading. The author has carefully structured the book, divided it into clearly headed sections and provided all the necessary definitions and explanations that will facilitate a clear understanding of this immensely important branch of knowledge.


Authentic Creed and Invalidators of Islam

The most important matter for every Muslim is the correctness of his beliefs. Islam established on the basis of sound creed and it opposes all false superstitions and erroneous systems of belief. Thus, it is essential for every Muslim to make certain that his beliefs are correct and in accordance with the Quran and authentic Sunnah of the Prophet (S). This small but important book covers all basic information and we hope that readers will recognize the importance of this treaties by Shaikh Ibn Baz.



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The Holy Quran Quotes

“Never think of those slain in the way of God to be dead; rather they are alive and are provided in the Presence of their Lord.”

(Al ‘Imran, 3:169)


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