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    Main Link Portal - Links to Different Useful Good Websites Sorted Thru Categories.

    Islamic E-Books - Great islamic E-books in PDF for Download, Highly Reccomended!

    Islamic E-Cards - E-cards for Special Occasions, like Eid's, Ramadan etc,,

    Nasheeds - Nice Beautiful mp3 Nasheeds for Online Listening and Downloading, also Nasheed Video's

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    Learn to Pray - Learn to Pray, with Instructions, Audio, and useful articles.
    Wudu / Ablution - How to Perform Wudu, with Description, and usefull articles.
    Learn Arabic - Teach Yourself Arabic here, with Different Available Programs.
    Sihr / Black Magic - Explaining Sihr, Solution, Types, etc..
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    Fortress Of The Muslim - Dua's / Supplications in Arabic Text, Translation, Audio and Transliteration!
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    Names of Prophet Muhammad SAW - Names of the Prophet SAW and Translations
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    World Flags - Worlds Current Border Flags

    The Holy Quran - Recitations, Translations, Transliterations, Audio, Video etc..

    Quran Recitments - 17 Full Recitements in Arabic
    The Noble Quran Online - Arabic Text, Transliteration, Translations, Search Function
    The Holy Quran - Translation in 24 Languages - Translation in 24 Languages, 5 English Translations, Transliteration, Search Funtion
    The Holy Qu'ran - Arabic, Transliteration, Introductions - Arabic Text, Transliteration, 4x Translations (MUSHIN, YUSUF ALI, PICKTHAL, SHAKIR)
    The Holy Qu'ran - Arabic Text Only
    The Holy Qu'ran Software Downloads - Downloads for PC, Downloads for Mobile Phones
    The Holy Qu'ran in PDF - Arabic Quran, English Meaning, Quran Dictionary, Quran Tasfir, and much more.. in PDF
    Holy Qu'ran - Tafsir Ibn Kathir Volumes 1 - 10 - In The English Language with Arabic Verses.

    Hadith - Different Hadith Collections

    Sahih Bukhari
    Sahih Muslim
    Sunan Abu-Dawud
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    500 AHADITH

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    Category Islam

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    The Prophet Muhammad SAW - Articles Writings about our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW
    Islamic Etiquette's - Teaching Islamic Etiquette's
    Death - Articles and Knowledge about Death, the hereafter etc.
    Marriage - Articles about everything regarding the Islamic Marriage, the pillar of society.
    Woman - Guidance for Muslima's
    Hijaab - Articles explaining the correct way for hijab, the reasons why etc..
    Islamic Values - Teaching Islamic Values
    Al-Malaa`ikah / The Angels - Articles to Learn About the Angels
    Children - Articles useful regarding children
    Stories of the Prophets - Stories about the Prophets like Yunus, Nuh, Hud, Lut, Musa, Isa etc..
    Islam Stories - Stories to learn a lesson from InshaAllah
    Hadith - Some Articles concerning Hadiths
    Science - Scientific discoveries found in the Holy Qu'ran
    History - Some articles regarding history of Islamic Achievements
    Health & Medicine - Taken from saying of Prophet Muhammad SAW
    Pregnancy - Articles Concerning Pregnancy
    Jihad - Articles Concerning Jihad
    Islamic Personalities - Some Islamic Personalities in the spotlight
    Cursed Shaytan - Devil - Iblish - Exposing the Shaytan
    Muslim - How a Muslim should behave
    Companions Of The Prophet - Stories of the Companions Of The Prophet

    The 5 Pillars

    Ramadan & Fasting

    Muslim Names - Lists Of Names Male and Females, General Information Regarding Names

    General Information regarding Names
    Male Muslim Names
    Female Muslim Names

    Online Books - Some Very Useful Online Books, Html very easy for the eyes to read, various titles!

    Glossary - Different Lists of Glossary, All Related to Islam, very useful!

    BeAware - See topics below.

    Da'eef (weak), mawdoo’ (fabricated) hadeeth
    Innovations - Bid’ah !!
    Prohibitions in Islam
    Hamza Yusuf
    Deviant Sects

    Q&A Questions & Awnsers - Not too many postings here, as for many questions one can fine the answer in relative subjects

    The Kheelafah - Useful info / articles, regarding the subject of the Islamic State Kheelafah, what it is, how it should be, how it was.


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    The Holy Quran Quotes

    “Prayer (Salat) is the most important practice in Islam. Allah has ordered the Muslims to be mindful of it. The Holy Qur'an says:"Guard strictly your prayers, especially the Middle Prayer, and stand before Allah with all devotion.”

    (Al-Baqarah, 2:238)


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    Islam and Science | Learn to Pray | Wudu / Ablution | Islamic Food Guide | Sihr / Black Magic | Children's Corner | Learn Arabic and much more..

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